Welcome to PAT Test Kit

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new mobile friendly website www.pattestkit.co.uk

Unless otherwise stated, ALL Prices on our new site include VAT, so please take this into account when looking at pricing.  A full breakdown of Taxes are shown at the checkout stage, with a VAT Invoice being sent out shortly after purchase.

Over the coming weeks and months, we hope to add additional products and content.  Customers wishing to purchase SimplyPats software or upgrades to existing software will be directed to the new site as we transfer everything across.

At the current time you will notice that products on offer are heavily focused on the Kewtech and SimplyPats brands, however we do have access to other manufacturers products which I am sure in time will be added.

We have received a lot of interest with regards to the new KEW-80L Bluetooth Printer for KEWPAT, and the Polypropylene Label solution we are offering.

You will notice that the Printers and PAT Kits containing the Printers are showing as “Sold Out” This is because a) We currently only have limited Quantity and b) We are still in the process of reviewing documentation.
Prices for the printers and labels are also subject to change.

Our main www.simplypats.co.uk site will continue to serve as an information hub relating to SimplyPats and other software solutions developed by us.
Previous article KEWPAT Update V1.2.0 (16-09-19-A) adds support for iOS 13 (Kewtech SMARTPAT Users will need to install this Update)